as pretty as David, as robotic and numb as Victoria

Friday, December 14, 2007

Even MORE Posteriffic: The Dark Knight

Are you joking me? (cue: wah waaaaah) They somehow made an even better slash CREEPIER poster for The Dark Knight? Slow clap to the marketing guys of the newest Batman. Keep indulging your psychopathic tendencies, cause it's getting this cinephile off big time.

Warning to my roommates, we are buying every poster that comes out that has the Joker on it and framing it on the walls of our living room.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Poster-iffic: The Dark Knight

Batman is by far my favorite superhero. In fact, I think he's the only superhero I'm actually fond of (besides Emo-Spidey, of course). Batman is dark and moody and is just a plain weirdo, probably even more than all the villains he fights. He's motivated purely for revenge and is obsessive and incredibly flawed. Also, he's rich, is generally cast as handsome in the movies, and damn if bats aren't the cutest animal that is completely underappreciated on (And I've hung around them in person, so you can't say otherwise.)

we just want to be snuggled! and suck your blood!

What I like most about him, though, is that he's just a guy. A rich guy who buys a lot of expensive shit, but at the end of the day, he's a regular messed up human without any superpowers. Which makes him like any other deranged rich guy in the world. And that's a lot more disturbing/interesting than some nice hunky farm dude from Krypton who can only be emotionally hurt. Super lame-o!

So, I'm allsabout the Batman. And this poster makes me jump up and down in excitement. If there's one thing I like more than a brooding, arrogant man who refuses to let anybody really know him, it's a sociopathic comedian.

i'm batman('s poster)

It's Britney, Blog: Episode 2

Britney's a busy girl, what with her busy schedule of running over people's feet, drinking herself into a frappuccino coma, and not giving a fuck anymore. But she's still found time to make a video blog! It took her the same amount of time as it did to record her new album.*

*'bout fifteen minutes

Got any suggestions on what Brit-Brit should teach the world next? Write it in the comments!

Friday, December 7, 2007

Finding Emo: Barnyard Animal Edition

No one understands an emo cow, the angstiest animal on the farm.

what's the point of living, just kill me and make me a steak. at least that way someone will love me